Each game has its own terms and the poker it is no different, usually the expressions of poker are the same for any of the variants. Check it out below the terms of poker so you can have a better performance in your moves.

Check out the vocabulary used in poker
Read the expressions and the meaning of the words that are part of the universe of poker game :
- Action or action : very common term in poker and describes a lot of action in a hand or round of betting. Example: when a game has multiple raises and re-raises during a hand.
- All-in : widely used term and one of the best known. A bettor who is All-in has bet all his chips he has left.
- Before : there are several variants of poker, such as Stud that is played with an ante, that is, chips that can be placed in the pot before each round. Antes also come into play in the early stages of tournaments of other poker variants.
- Bad Beat : hand that is lost.
- Blackdoor Draw : incomplete hand that needs two or more outs to be formed. Example: if on the flop, the player has a hand with three hearts, then two additional hearts are missing to complete the flush.
- Badugi : variant considered new to poker originating in Asia. Each bettor is dealt four cards and there are three draws. The bettor with the lowest hand wins the pot. It can also have another meaning: four cards of different suits that do not form a pair.
- Barrel : bet placed on the flop even though it has not hit anything.
- Bet : amount of money placed in the pot when opening action on a given betting round. If the bet is raised later, it will be considered as a raise.
- Big Stack : player who owns many chips.
- Blind : another widely used term in poker. It is a mandatory bet before the cards are dealt. The player to the left of the dealer bets the small blind, and the player two places to the left of the dealer bets the big blind. It is worth remembering that the bet amount of the big blind is always twice the small blind.
- Blind Level or level of Blinds : it is the level of mandatory bets at certain stages of a tournament. The number of blinds increases with each new level.
- Blind Stealing : it is a raise before the flop with a weak hand and is intended to force opponents to fold in an attempt to” steal " the blinds.
- Bluff : betting and raising with a weak hand, with the goal of getting other bettors to fold with a better hand.
- Bluff Catcher : weak hand, but may be good enough to bluff, although it would be beaten by most other hands should it reach showdown.
- Board : 5 community cards placed on the table in poker games.
- Break-even : the player who is break-even is the one who neither wins nor loses.
- Broadway : two meanings: straight with ace as the highest card. Or, it could also be a letter.
- Bubble or bubble : situation in a tournament where it only remains to eliminate a few bettors before reaching the prize pool.
- Bubble Boy : player who is in the last position before the money, running out of nothing.
- Burn Card : burnt letter. This card is discarded by the dealer before the community cards are dealt.
- Busted or Bust-out : when you are eliminated from a tournament by losing all the chips you had.
- Button or button : it can be the plastic disc that moves clockwise to determine the dealer's position or it can be a term to describe the dealer in a particular hand.
- Buy-in : amount bettors must pay to enter a tournament.
- Call : to match or track a bet or wager.
- Calling Station : gambler who plays a lot of hands without any technique.
- Cash Game : poker game that is played for real money and with blinds levels that are not raised. Bettors can buy chips whenever they want and can still enter and exit the game whenever they want.
- Check or pass : moment that the player needs to act and no other bet, this bettor can decide whether to check, that is, if it passes, without having to put more chips in the pot.
- Check-Call : check and immediately after, match an opponent's bet.
- Check-Raise : check and then raise an opponent's bet.
- Chipleader : bettor with the most chips in a tournament.
- Cold Deck : when a hand considered too strong, loses against an opponent who improves his hand on the board.
- Community Cards & community letters : five face-up cards on the table that can be used by all bettors still in a game in a given hand.
- Connector : two or more consecutive cards. In addition, consecutive cards of the same suit are known as suited connectors.
- Continuation Bet or C-Bet : a bet placed on the flop by the last player to raise in the preflop.
- Cut-off : bettor who is seated to the right of the dealer. It is considered a good position, as it is one of the last players to speak his decision in each betting round, that is, he can analyze the entire round made by other players before making a decision.
- Dead Money : money in a pot coming from bettors who have already folded and who can no longer bet on the round.
- Dealer in Poker : in live games and physical casinos, it is employees who work with the cards. In online games, on the other hand, it is the position that indicates the dealer in the hand, it is marked by a button that the dealer rotates around the table Clockwise.
- Defender Blinds : when a bettor is in a blind and bets with the aim of winning the pot so as not to lose their chips placed in the mandatory blind bet.
- Door Card : first card exposed in a hand in stud games.
- Downswing : considered an unlucky streak.
- Draw : poker hand that needs additional cards to be improved or completed.
- Equity or equity : probability of winning multiplied by the chips in the pot. Example: if you have a 40% chance of winning and there is $10 in the pot, your equity is $4.
- Final Table or Final Table : the final table in a tournament is typically played with nine or ten players where the highest prizes are paid.
- Fish : very bad or inexperienced player.
- Floorman : an employee of a poker room or casino who makes decisions and has the final say in disputes between bettors and the dealer, a floorman has more power than the dealer.
- Flop : widely cited term, has two meanings. It may be the first three community cards dealt in Texas Hold in and Omaha, and may be the second round of betting on Texas Hold in and Omaha.
- Flush : combination of five cards of the same suit.
- Flush Draw : when a bettor has a combination of four cards of the same suit and only one more card of the same suit is left to complete the flush.
- Fold & escape : a player who folds, is no longer in the round and cannot win any part of the pot. That is, when the player runs away from someone's bet and gives up a certain round.
- Fold Equity : odds of one or more bettors folding after their turn.
- Free Play : opportunity to see the next Community card without having to put chips in the pot.
- Freeroll : it can be the possibility of winning money without risk or a free entry tournament without buy-in.
- Full House : poker hand consisting of having a trio and a pair of Cards.
- Full Ring : cash game table with nine or ten bettors. It is the opposite of shorthanded.
- Gambling : act of risking luck instead of playing according to logic and probabilities. This term originates in games considered lucky, and in poker, it is pejorative. A gambler who performs a “gambling” seeks to win by relying on luck and not his ability to knowledge of the game.
- Gutshot : incomplete straight in which only one card is missing from the inside of it to complete it.
- Heads-up : hand or game between two bettors.
- High Card : lowest hand in the game of poker, with less value than a pair.
- High Roller : bettor who plays high limits.
- Hold in : short for Texas Holdin and is also a general term for poker games that involve the use of community cards, of which Texas Hold em and Omaha are the best known.
- Hole Cards or hole or hole cards : face-down cards that each player receives at the beginning of each hand. They are used in conjunction with the five community cards to form the best possible five-card combination.
- Implied Odds : calculation of probabilities in relation to the estimated final value of the pot. Accordingly, the expected profits are added to the probabilities.
- Kicker : card that can help, but does not belong to the best possible combination of Cards.
- Lay-down : it is a folding player who has one hand, but at the same time it is insufficient to beat the opponent.
- Limit : it is considered the diminutive of “Fixed Limit " where all minimum and maximum betting ranges are fixed at all times and can also be the size of the blind or the maximum buy-in that indicates the amount of money with which to play. It also refers to No-Limit or Pot-Limit games.
- Limp or Limper : it is an action in which the big blind is called instead of raised.
- Live Cards : cards in the deck that have not yet been dealt.
- Low Card : card that can complete a low hand in some aspects of poker, such as Stud Hi-Lo and Omaha Hi-Lo.
- Hand made or hand made : hand made with little chance of improvement.
- Hand : it has two meanings, among them: it is the moment of the game when the cards are dealt, chips are BET and the pot is won. After that, the button moves to the left in which the next hand begins, as if it were a new round of play. It can also mean the best possible combination of five cards using the two hole cards and the five community cards.
- Dominated Hand : if two players hold a card of the same rank, the player with the better kicker dominates the opponent.
- Speculative Hand : seemingly weak hand, but that can be improved.
- Marginal Hand or Marginal hand : hand that can sometimes become difficult to know what to do with the same.
- Monotone : hand to go to game in Omaha, consists of four cards of the same suit.
- Muck : it can be a set of cards that have been discarded by all players that is situated in the table area in front of the dealer, or, when the bettor makes the “muck” action, it means that he has thrown the cards face down in the direction of the dealer. With this action, the bettor waives any right to any part of the pot in the hand in question.
- Nuts : best possible hand in a given game situation, i.e. when the player has the best game.
- Odds : way of presenting probabilities, one of them is to make a hand that is set in relation to the probabilities of not making. That is, if you have a 20% probability of winning and 80% of losing, the odds in this case are 80:20 or 4:1.
- Offsuit : two cards that are of different suits.
- Omaha : a strand of the poker game in which bettors are dealt four hole cards and five community cards on the table. To perform your hand, you must use two of the cards you have in your hand and three others that are on the table. The rules are identical to those of the Texas Hold in.
- Open Pair : Open Pair on the board.
- Option or option: bettor who in the big blind has the option to check or raise in the absence of a previous raise.
- Out of Position or no position : out of position, when one is one of the first to make up one's mind and speak in a betting round.
- Overcard : higher card than any other on the board.
- Overpair : pair in hand that is higher than any community card.
- Pocker Tracker : software that records the hands that the bettor played, thus allowing you to monitor your game and opponents.
- Pocket Pair or pair of hand : two cards of the same rank, dealt as hole cards.
- Position : is the position of the bets in relation to the dealer. The further you sit from the dealer, it is considered the best position, as you can be one of the last to speak in each betting round, that is, it is a huge advantage that allows you to analyze the betting patterns of your opponents.
- Post-Flop : play on the flop and subsequent betting rounds.
- Pot Limit : in this type of game, the bettor will be able to bet a maximum of the total amount of the pot when it is his turn. The most popular Pot-Limit poker variant is p Pot-Limit Omaha, but one can also play Pot-Limit in Hold in and on Draw Poker.
- Pot Odds : current total money in the pot compared to the amount you have to put into the pot to continue the game. The higher the pot odds, the better it is.
- Pre-Flop : play before the flop, when bettors hold two cards (hole cards or hole cards).
- Prizepool : total prizes to be distributed in a tournament. It is determined by the sum of the amount paid in all registrations and distributed by the best classified in a tournament.
- Rainbow : can be a flop or turn on Holdin where all three or four cards are of different suits, or in Omaha it may be a hand to go to play with all four cards of different suits.
- Raise : increase the bet made earlier.
- Rake : money or commission that the casino earns on each pot, or the commission of entering a tournament.
- Range : hands that an opponent may have in a given game situation.
- Reversed Domination : in the Hold&event style.preventDefault (); window.location.href='/go/'; 8217;em, is dominated when an opponent has a card of the same rank as US, but has a better kicker. In case the dominated player hits a pair with the lowest kicker, it is said to be a reversed dominance.
- Reversed Implied Odds or Implied reversed Odds : to calculate this, the expected profits are added to the pot. Reversed Implied Odds refer to the expected losses in the subsequent betting rounds. The loss is subtracted from the pot when calculating the odds.
- River : fifth and final Community Charter.
- Royal Flush : the best possible hand to achieve in poker. Straight flush from Ace to ten (As, K, Q, J, 10)
- Runner-Runner : incomplete hand in which additional cards are required on the turn and river.
- Runner-Up : second ranked player in a tournament.
- Satellite : tournament with a moderate buy-in that has as a prize a place in a larger tournament.
- Seat : place at the table assigned to a player.
- Second Barrel : second bet on the turn.
- Semi-Bluff : bet or raise on a hand that is not the best, but has the potential to improve up to the river. The main focus is to force opponents to fold. If the technique does not work, there is always a chance to win if the hand improves.
- Set : trio consisting of having a pair in hand and a third identical community card.
- Shark or Shark : bettor who is considered very good who makes profit, the opposite of a fish.
- Shorthanded : game between 3 and 6 players is the opposite of Full Ring.
- Shortstack : bettor at the table with the smaller chip stack.
- Showdown : it is the act of showing the cards in the final round of betting, or rather if a player opts for all in, in which case all active bettors turn their cards over and start with the player to the left of the dealer, to determine the winner. If someone bets or raises and has no calls, then it is not considered a showdown.
- Single-Suited : hand to go to play in Omaha strand. Two cards of the same suit.
- Slow Play : case in which the bettor acts carefully even if he has a good hand, and focuses, increase the pot.
- Split Pot : split pot, that is, the pot in which it is divided by two or more players due to the fact that they have equal hands.
- Stack : chips or money on which the bettor can use at the table.
- Steam : when the player gets angry about losing hands and consequently plays poorly on the following hands.
- Straight : five consecutive cards.
- Straight Draw : combination in which one card is missing to complete a sequence.
- Straight Flush : sequence of the same suit.
- Street : betting rounds such as the flop, turn and river.
- Stud : a branch of poker in which bettors are dealt cards face down and face up. One of them is Seven Card Stud and Razz.
- Suck-off : when the bettor is lucky and hits a higher hand.
- Suit or suit : spades, diamonds, hearts and clubs.
- Suited : cards of the same suit.
- Table Stake : amount a player can bet on the table during a cash game.
- Tight : bet only few hands and fold all weak or marginal hands.
- Tilt : when the bettor reacts badly to a bad beat or a downswing, letting the game be affected by it.
- Trash or Trash Hand : worthless hand with no potential to be improved.
- Trips or Trio : three cards of the same rank.
- Turn : may be the fourth Community Card in Texas Hold&event games.preventDefault (); window.location.href=' / go/'; 8217; in and Omaha or the penultimate betting round that also bears the name of Fourth Street.
- Under the Gun : name of the bettor who acts first in the first betting round and is on the left side of the big blind. This position is not considered ideal because you need to act very early without much time to think.
- Underdog : the opposite of favorite, this term is used in poker to indicate the probability that a hand has to win another in a given betting situation.
- Under Pair : pair in the hand where the cards are lower than the lowest card on the table.
- Upswing : considered a wave of luck that is usually related to a good game.
- Walk : the bettor reaches a walk when his opponents fold pre-flop in his big blind, with this, he reaches the pot unchallenged and without having to have acted.
- Wheel : it is the lowest straight (from Ace to five), it bears this name, since in this situation the As IS used as the lowest card.
Play Poker variants at the best online casinos!
Poker is a game that goes far beyond luck and players ' decisions can greatly influence the results. Therefore, knowing all the terms used in the game influences your performance and results. Access the best online casinos to play poker variants like Texas Hold in , Pai Gow Poker and Caribbean Poker .